অটোয়া, সোমবার ২৪ ফেব্রুয়ারি, ২০২৫
Kind and You - Sanyda Chowdhury



There's a saying,
“To kill em’ with kindness” ,
To overwhelm one with your genuity,
But what is kindness and reality for he who is not himself.

We are constantly reminded that we are in a horrible world,
Destroyed by people who are not themselves,
There is a small blaze of truth within all of us,
But that is crushed because we want to be like the ones next to us.

We cannot walk in our own shoes,
In fear that we would be subdued by the cruel,
So instead we choose to be display what goes on In another man's head.

We have the eyes of our fathers,
The windows to our souls,
So when people say he's cold; I guess so are you,
Because you are not yourself,
You are a replica,
You are the shadow of those whose who dominate,
We all mimic in sync,
We are not kind nor true,
Because if we were we would be different,
If we were kind we would not be ourselves.

We would not talk bad about our friends; behind their backs,
We would not mock ourselves of those with lacks,
We not flash fake smiles to those we didn't like,
We are the generation of children that do not have our own tracks,
Our lives a huge game of follow the leader.

Oblivious to what goes on around us,
Airstrikes until the sight of the moonlight ,
And cries throughout the night.

Kind and you,
A dogma very rare,
Stuck between the cold rocks of the mountain tops,
Even colder is the heart of one you may consider as humane.

You are not kind,
You are a silhouette,
You follow,
You destruct,
And in times of darkness you disappear,
And run to light to be the outline of some else's idea.

But through vicious winds of the mountains,
Is the subtle scent of the Edelweiss,
It blooms and pushes through the coldness,
Prosperous and alone,
It is not a shadow because it does not have light,
It is it’s own. 

A spark kindness within all of us is contained,
So why don't you go ahead and ignite the flame,
Turn your silhouette into a body,
Do not wander through life shackled to a game.

Sanyda Chowdhury, Student of Lisgar Collegiate Institute
Ottawa, CANADA.
Wednesday, August 23rd, 2017