“Humanity--A Ride in a Faulty Ferris Wheel”(Part 2) -Farid Talukder
Now, talking about religions in general, looks like again, with its philosophy it has not much influence and control over elite classes as it has on have-not’s and for few other troubled life people! In fact, the relation between the elites and religions is interesting in other ways. They use the religion often to secure their interest as necessary. In primitive society, the feudal lords or the feudal monarchs used to declare themselves as a mediator and communication path between unseen mighty power ( we can call it God here ) and the general mass. That was the best way to give themselves a separate powerful identity above all others and that trend used to carry forward through their descendants. This system may still be present in some tribal communities in the world. Not exactly but almost the same old-fashioned monarchism we see in some middle eastern countries including Saudi Arabia. Now, the world's most dominant power, the western allies, they pretend that they are broken hearted because some countries have no democracy. So, they use their powers to dethrone those dictators and to ( like now in Venezuela and previously it was in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and so and so.. ) bring back democracy and human rights there. Interestingly, the case is not the same in terms of those middle eastern countries. Because they serve their interest penny to penny but the others are not or were not. Here democracy, human rights, freedom of speech does not matter. So, forget about those. Those are some few tools of words that they use when needed to make the world their puppet. It’s all about money. Money can buy, throw out or change concept of humanity and civilization anytime, anywhere it wants. So far I understand, I belong a million miles away from Donald Trump's life ethics. However, I say thanks to him for his candid answer about a media question. He mentioned clearly to answer a question regarding Adnan Khashoggi's killing, that his country has 600 billion dollar business interest ( or any figure close to that ) with KSA, so he is not going to make a mess with Saudi Regime regarding this issue. There may a few escape goats possibly now in trial but the main culprit is still unexposed as usual. Someday the case will be cold. This is one country, one example. Local or international, this thing happens every nook and corner of the world very often.
Looks like derailment never leaves me alone! Have a feeling already now out of track from my main topic and that's my habit. Habit.. good habit, bad habit, rabbit habit. Yeah.. we human being have lot of habits. But rabbit habit is the most common one. Forget about the world stage, even in local stage very often we see that a weaker ( weaker in all sense ) person getting brutally tortured by the powerful ( powerful could be by numerous means ) for no reason or sometimes for standing for the truth and against the evil work. Majority of us just watch this silently, never protest and sometimes hide ourselves in rabbit hole for fear..!! I think there is a Hadith that says, who ever is doing wrong and who ever just watches it without protest, both are same culprit. So, with this attitude, all of us who think 'oh.. we are blameless , actually we are not'.
Let's come back to religion concept to explore it’s contribution towards humanity. Just need to look bit more in depth' objectively without any bias. Religion preaches about humanity to some extent no question about it. But what about the major part of it and what about it’s application and impact on our real life in general? Believers all over the world and of all religions who go to prayer houses make their submission to unseen ( or seen ) almighty have mainly two objectives. To secure or earn, prosperity, peace and happiness in this world and also for a better salvation of their soul after death. I mean for hell or heaven, fear or greediness in their mind. Now let's pick the word 'peace'. To enjoy a peaceful life one needs to have good relation and possibly a helping attitude towards his or her surroundings. But problem is, the word peace most cases is overshadowed by the word prosperity because of the immense demand of it in our heart. So, in reality we don't see so much practice of those which help to keep peace in the society. Result...? Outcome of our prayer basically turns into a sort of selfishness. Not talking about happiness because some people may be even become happy just to look at the misery of others! Actually, human mind is so weird, complex, time and circumstance dependent, that there is no general equation to summarize this. To be continued…
Farid Talukder
Toronto, Canada.